We ensure that all our data is checked and correct, this is a hobby to the owners of the site and therefore taking our time and getting it right is what we are known for.
The only place I am aware of in South Australia is: Audley Street in Adelaide I would appreciate it if somebody would share more information or photographs of this places |
The following branches of the Audley Family have members who lived in South Australia: ‘Audley Family E’ originally of Counry Waterford & Wexford, Ireland ‘Audley Family T’originally of Cheshire and Staffordshire, England |
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We are always here to help, after all we know how hard to track down and verify information. If you have any information relevant to the Audley family, that you are prepared to share with us please us. Without the help of people and help us increase our knowledge.
Over the years we have learnt a lot, about the Audley family, we check all our data to make sure it is correct. However some errors are bound to have occurred, if you do spot an error please contact us so that we can improve this website.
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